We often get asked this question, so we thought we would post a short blog on this topic.
There is a lot going on in your mouth that you may not know about. Bacteria are constantly moving around. This is nothing to be concerned about. It is completely normal to have bacteria in your mouth. Only a few of these bacteria are potentially harmful. Most just exist and some are even helpful.
Certain types of bacteria can attach themselves to the surfaces of your teeth. If they’re not removed, they multiply and grow in number until a colony forms. Besides bacteria, there are also proteins present in your spit (saliva). These tend to mix in causing the bacterial colony to turn into a whitish film on the tooth surface. This film is called plaque. The plaque acts as a glue which enables more bacteria to stick to your teeth.
When you eat refined carbohydrates or sugars, the bacteria present in the plaque use the sugar and convert it to acid that dissolves tooth substance. The acid attacks start immediately after consuming sugars and last for at least 20-30 minutes.
This is the reason why its so important to watch what you eat and drink and also to remove this plaque build up through proper dental home care ( brushing&flossing) and though regular visits to our dental hygienist.
It is also important not to brush your teeth straight after eating refined carbohydrates or sugars as the tooth surface may have become “soft” due to the acid attack. Its best to only rinse your mouth with either water or even better a fluoride containing mouthrinse and wait for about an hour before brushing your teeth.